27 June 2016
June 19-21, 2016 EEUA participated in Summer Seminar organized by British Columbia Council of International Education (BCCIE) in Victoria, Canada. BCCIE`s purpose is to promote International Education in and for the Province of British Columbia, Canada, to promote and enhance BC’s international reputation for education. Summer Seminar provides an essential platform for outstanding leadership in the fields that comprise International Education.
The participants on the seminar discussed the main trends and issues as well as shared practical experience in the field of international education. As a part of the Seminar program EEUA representative Ms. Victoria Uryadova conducted a presentation “Eurasia: the Differences, Challenges and Opportunities for Cooperation”. The session aimed to give an up-to-date overview of HigherEd sphere of Eurasia and CIS countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.) and to discover the cooperation perspectives with local Higher Education Institutes. Audience showed high interest in establishing partnerships with the universities from CIS countries.
As the result BCCIE and EEUA agreed to sign Memorandum of Understanding to highlight the intent to establish and define activities aimed at mutual collaboration in the field in international education among members of both organizations.
It was immensely interesting and productive to meet with a great number of HigherEd professionals and discuss the new trends and venues for international collaboration between our countries. EEUA presented International Universities Network Platform (IUNP) project to our potential partners and invited them to participate in the Global Series of International Universities Networking Conferences (IUNC). It is anticipated that IUNC North America 2017 will attract the main interest of BCCIE Community because the main focus of the event is the cooperation with universities of USA & Canada. This conference will take place in Miami, FL, USA (Feb 15-17, 2017)