Eastern European University Association
Ryazan State Agrotechnological University
Year found: 1949
Legal form State
Country Russia
City Ryazan


Ryazan State Agrotechnological University

Year found: 1949
Legal form: State
Country: Russia
Awards: Bachelor Degree
                   Master Degree
City: Ryazan
Study language: Russian



The history of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named After P.A. Kostychev» lasts more than sixty years. On May, 18th 1949 the Council of Ministers of the USSR accepted the solution to found the Agricultural Institute in Ryazan. On May, 30th 1949 Ryazan Agricultural the Institute was named after Pavel Andreevich Kostychev by the resolution of the Ministry of Higher Education.

In 1949 Ryazan Agricultural Institute Named after Professor P.A. Kostychev set about studying the first students on specialties «Agronomy» and «Zootechnics».

In 1995 the institute got the status of Ryazan State Agricultural Academy Named after Professor P.A. Kostychev for the merits in personnel training and faculty’s great contribution to science and industry. In 2007 the academy got the status of the university. Let them say that 60 years is not an age for the institution, but not everyone can promote from the institute to the university for such a period of time!

Having passed a great way of formation and developing the University has turned to be one of the biggest agrarian universities of the Russian Federation. Today FSBEI HPE «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after P.A. Kostychev» is a multi-field institution that has got a license and a state accreditation. It is a big educational and scientific center.

Nowadays FSBEI HPE «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after P.A. Kostychev» is a scientific training and production complex having 7 departments, 44 faculties, branches of the faculties on the factory floor, engineering-economic institute, advanced vocational training institute, resource center, profile classes in secondary schools, research institutions of different profiles.

Today the University uses computers and different information technologies in training process. It presupposes the practical study and integration of educational process and science. The institution has been among the first in Russia to start the target specialists training under contract with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ryazan oblast and the Government of Ryazan oblast.

The University possesses a modern material and technical base. It has 6 educational buildings the total area of which is about 90 thousand square meters; six comfortable dorms, a library 2.000 square meters in area having more than 720 thousand volumes; an aid post; a health camp «Laskovo»; a sports center, including a stadium, 5 gyms, the total are of which is 3.300 square meters; a Recreation center having 850 seats.

The University prepares the personnel for enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Ryazan oblast and other branches of industry (Tula, Tambov, Moscow, Lipetsk and others) as well as for the city enterprises connected with production, processing and realization of food, building, road transport, planning and accountability, social work.

Due to a wide range of specialties all the graduators of the University get a good job and do not regret about choosing their professions.

There are 460 teachers working at the University. There are 71 Doctors of Science and 240 Candidates of Science among them. All the departments possess training areas in detached buildings. They include laboratories, libraries and computer classes.

Our University has rich and wonderful traditions that many generations of students treasure and increase. Durante its activity the University has prepared more than 35 thousand specialists including engineers (mechanic engineer, electrical engineer, automotive engineer, machinists and others), accountants, economists, merchandisers, ecologists, agronomists, technologists, zoo-engineers, veterinarians and others.

Year by more and more people want to enter our University. Those who will do will realize proudly that they are the ace of aces! The knowledge one gets at the University is you only capital that is not afraid of inflation! Training at our University targets the students at the perspective, multiply their potential for future development. Due to this many graduators of ours now hold leading positions at state and commercial organizations of the oblast and other regions of Russia. We prepare real professionals who are always necessary everywhere independent of the economic situation in the country!


Ryazan is the administrative center of Ryazan region, one of the oldest Russian cities (in 2000 it celebrated its 905 anniversary).


Ryazan is situated on the right bank of the river Oka. The area of the city is175,6 sq.km. The climate is moderate continental. The medium temperature of January is -11C, of July +19C.


Ryazan is a large scientific and cultural center. Architectural and historical monuments preserved in the territory of the city and the region, have important historical value. The Ryazan Kremlin including seventeen monuments of history and architecture is the most significant construction of the regional center. In 1968 it was declared historical and architectural reserve museum.


The cultural life of the Ryazan region is rich and diverse. There is the regional Drama Theatre, the Theatre for the Youth, the Puppet Theater, the regional Concert Hall, which has branches all over the region, the Ryazan Circus, the Museum of Arts, Municipal Cultural Center, the Palace of the Youth Creative work, a number of museums in Ryazan that are at the same time the home-places of the outstanding citizens of Ryazan who have won the glory of our region.


In the Ryazan region there are more than 40 scientific-research and designer organizations.
In the Ryazan region there are 11 Institutes of Higher Education including the largest of them - Radio Technical and Agricultural Academies, Pedagogical and Medical Universities & others. Every year about 4 thousand young specialists with higher education graduate from them.


The recent years have been characterized by the growth of the basic macro-economic indexes. Machine-building, metal processing, construction materials industry, electric energy, chemical, food, light industry and non-ferrous metallurgy have been developing especially rapidly. In 2004 the volume of the manufactured industrial products made more than 54 billion rubles, the index of the physical volume made 105% as compares to the year 2003. The basic types of industrial products are the following: oil products, chemical fibers, metal-cutting machines, radio electronics, medical equipment, forge-pressing equipment, automobile aggregates, machines for public services, non-ferrous metals, construction materials, leather, textiles, clothes and footwear, foodstuffs. Ryazan is the main industrial center, which accounts for over 50% of the regional production.


The system of railways and motor roads in the region -3 railways and 3 motor roads of federal importance completed with local lines, gives the opportunity to organize the delivery of any cargoes with minimal costs. Developed structure of locomotive depot, motor transport enterprises provides services for transportation of freights and passengers by transport, based on the territory of the Ryazan region.

The main waterway, the Oka River, connects the Ryazan region directly with the Moscow, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod regions giving the way to the Volga basin. There is a well-equipped river port in Ryazan. At the present time there is a large transport terminal of interregional importance, which was built in the outskirts of Ryazan on the basis of the existing storage facilities.



Bachelor courses:

Agrochemistry and soil science

Agro engineering





Exploitation of transport and technological machines and complexes

Forestry work

Land transport-technological means



Power and electrical engineering

Production technology and organization of public catering

Technology of production and processing of agricultural products

Technology of transport processes

Veterinary medicine

Veterinary-sanitary examination


Master courses:

Agrochemistryandsoil science


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When student arrive to airport he/she will be met and transferred to university. At university student have orientation and welcome brief. After orientation student will be placed at university hostel.

During all time of studying at university foreign students are supported by qualified team of International Department. All their needs will be satisfied with pleasure. There is very helpful consultancy for students who have educational difficulties. University has own security system.

All university hostels are secured and have time restrictions for guest to ensure safety and good condition of living. The Russian people are well-wishing and peaceful. Cities are secured by powerful police system observation. You will find that we share dry, cynical humor about people and events. There is no racism at all. Strangers will be extremely friendly with you and be impressed that you made the effort to visit their country over their more visited neighbors. Foreign people came to Russia for education or business highly respected by Russian people. So, welcome, Russia is waiting for you!

The intensification of the social-and-economic and political transformations in Russia allots the tasks of bringing up the modern generation capable of active creative labor, being moral, preserving its physical and moral status. Character building is carried out on the ground of the "Character Building Concept of Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after Professor P.A. Kostychev" and the perspective plan of students bringing up for the whole period of study.

Such a work is conducted according to the following directions: patriotic, labor, aesthetic, ecological and legal education.

The center of art and aesthetic education of the youth, strengthening continuity of generations and creative initiative activation is the Recreation center of RSATU.

All the academic parties take place in the Recreation center. One can mention among them the events devoted to the memorable days of Russia, combat traditions of army and fleet, New Year ball, "Students Spring", KVN games and others.

The students can spend their free time with use and interest. The rector of the University rewards the most active students regularly. Every department has got its own wall newspaper presenting many facts about the students life, the events that have already taken place, the important department events, Ryazan region history, outstanding dates of Russia, oblast and many other interesting things.

First in 2002 there appeared the Curators council. The mission of it is rendering methodic assistance to curators, conducting the meetings of curators experience exchange, further developing and improving the methods and bringing up traditions of the University. Thus, all the character building work conducted at the University is directed to achieving the main goal of forming the Citizen, the personality, capable to live in new Russia and be useful to the society. 

Our students like very much the school of social professions having the departments of theatre, choreography and aerobics. We have merry KVNs, art parties and discos in the Recreation center of the University. We keep in touch with our students parents who came to the annual meetings at the invitation of the deans during the whole period of study. Our students have periods of probation in the USA, England, Germany, France, Hungary and other countries.

Tuition fee:

Preparatory course - USD 2100 (1 year)

Bachelor degree courses (4 years), USD per year:

Agrochemistry and soil science - 2300

Agro engineering - 2000

Agronomy - 2000

Biology - 2000

Construction- 2000

Economy - 1900

Exploitation of transport and technological machines - 3300

Forestry work - 2000

Land transport-technological means - 3300

Management - 1900

Merchandising - 1900

Power and electrical engineering - 3300

Production technology and organization of public catering - 2000

Technology of production and processing of agricultural products - 1900

Technology of transport processes - 2000

Veterinary medicine - 2000

Veterinary-sanitary examination - 2000

Zootechnics - 2000

Master degree courses (2 years), USD per year:

Agrochemistryandsoil science - 2300
Agronomy - 2300
Agroinzinerija - 2300
Zootechnics - 2300


Accommodation: USD 15 per month

Other expenses (optional):

- Medical insurance: USD 210 per year 
- Living expenses: from USD 250 per month
- Airport transfer: USD 200 (from Moscow airport)
- Nostrification (expert examination of equivalence of the school/graduation certificate): USD 130


Please note, tuition fee could change (1-3%) due to exchange rate.                                            14/06/2014    update