Year found: 1933
Legal form State
Country Ukraine
City Kyiv
National Aviation University
Year found: 1933
Legal form: State
Country: Ukraine
Awards: Bachelor Degree
Specialist Degree
Master Degree
Doctoral Programmes
City: Kyiv
Study language: Russian, Ukrainian
The National Aviation University is a powerful aviation higher educational institution, that is well-known not only in Ukraine, but also far abroad. Thousands of its scientists and lecturers, hundred thousands of graduates have made a considerable contribution to the development of national and world science, techniques and industry; they became the active creators of scientific and technical progress.
During the years of its existence, over 150 thousand Specialists and Masters have been trained at the National Aviation University, and today they are the visit-card of the National Aviation University in all regions of Ukraine, CIS, and foreign countries
Today the pride of the National Aviation University is its graduates: statesmen, well-known scientists, Heads of production enterprises, lecturers.
A unique aviation base, composed of the educational air field, unique aviation hangar, radio-ground and that for ground-based aero-equipment, trainers and aerodynamic complex, with a unique wind-channel (which is fixed in the State Register of Scientific Objects of National Property), is created at the University.
Considerable concentration and integration of scientific, pedagogic, methodological, material and technical resources enable to carry out a purposeful policy in the sphere of highly skilled specialists training, realization of scientific research and developments at the University, and also to realize perspective plans and programs, reacting in time to the growing society needs.
Kyiv's history spans over 1500 years. It is the cradle of Slavonic culture. Today, Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. With a population of 2,5 million and an area of 820 kilometers, Kyiv is well suited to be the political center of Ukraine. The President and his administration, the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, and other government institutions are centered in the city. As the scientific and cultural center of the country, Kyiv is home to the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences and academic research institutions which include institutes of chemistry, welding, cybernetics, steelwork, microbiology and virology, economics, history, philosophy, literature, art history, folklore and ethnography, and law.
Most of Ukraine's institutions of higher learning are located in Kyiv. These include Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, National University "Kyiv - Mohyla Academy", National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Bogomolets National Medical University, the National Aviation University, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Glier Kyiv Music College, the National Academy of Painting and Architecture, the Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture, the Kyiv National Linguistics University, the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Dragomanov Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, and others. Kyiv has many cultural and educational institutions: libraries (of which the largest are the Central Scientific Library of the Ukrainian National Academy of the Sciences and the Scientific Library of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University), cultural centers, cinemas, the Ukrainian National Philharmonic Society, theaters (of which the National Opera, the National Academic Drama Theatre, and the Theatre of Russian Drama are best known), and the National Circus. The National Symphonic Orchestra and national folk choral and dance ensembles reside in Kyiv.
Kyiv is home to history, painting, folk and ornamental art, book and publishing, folk architecture and life, and memorial museums. There are a number of unique architectural sights in Kyiv. The Sofiyskyy Sobor (1037), the remnants of the Golden Gates, the Mikhailivska Church of the Vydubetsky Monastery (1070 - 1088), the remnants of the Uspensky Sobor (1073 - 1078), the Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra (11th century), the Kyrylivska Church (12th century), the Kyiv Academy (8th or early 9th century), the Andriyivska Church (1747-1753), the Mariinsky Palace (1750 - 1755). There are also many newer buildings in the city, such as the Volodymyrskyy Sobor (1862 - 1882), the National Opera (1901), the State Bank (1902 - 1905), the Bessarabskyy Covered Market (1910 - 1912), and others.
Many stadiums, swimming pools, gyms, shooting galleries, parks, cafes and restaurants offering both Ukrainian and international cuisine are available to Kievans and city guests.
Kyiv is the central railway junction and a crossroads for land, air, and water routes.
Public transportation within Kyiv is provided by a subway system, buses, trams, and taxis.
Welcome to Kyiv!
- Preparatory engineering course in Ukrainian / Russian / English
- Preparatory Economic course in Ukrainian / Russian / English
- Preparatory Humanitarian course in Ukrainian / Russian / English
- Preparatory Bomediical course in Ukrainian / Russian / English
Bachelor degree courses in English
- Air transport (Air Traffic Service)
- Air Transport (maintenance and repair of aircraft and engines)
- Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies
- Aviation and space rocket technology
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering
- Chemical Technology and Engineering
- Computer Engineering (Computer Systems and Networks)
- Computer Engineering (System Programming)
- Construction and civil engineering
- Ecology
- Economics
- Electronics
- Law
- Management
- Marketing
- Micro- and machinery nanosystems
- Power engineering
- Software Engineering
- Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
- Transportation technology (air transport)
Master degree courses in English
- Air traffic
- Aircraft Equipment
- Business Economics
- Computer systems and Automation
- Computer-integrated technological processes and production
- Ecology and safety of environment
- Economic Cybernetics
- Electronic devices and equipment
- Electronic devices, systems and complexes
- Electronic systems
- Gas turbine installations and compressor stations
- Highways and aerodromes
- Industrial and Civil Engineering
- International Economics
- International Management
- Logistics
- Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines
- Management of organizations and administration
- Marketing
- Organization of transportation and management on air transport
- Pharmaceutical biotechnology
- Physical and Biomedical Electronics
- Radio equipment, radio and television
- Software systems
- Systems for air navigation services
- Technology works and technological equipment of airports
- Telecommunication systems and networks
Bachelor degree courses in Ukrainian
- Accounting and Taxation
- Air transport (Air Traffic Service)
- Air Transport (maintenance and repair of aircraft and engines)
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
- Architecture and urban planning
- Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies
- Aviation and space rocket technology
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering
- Chemical Technology and Engineering
- Computer Engineering (Computer Systems and Networks)
- Computer Engineering (System Programming)
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Construction and civil engineering
- Cyber security (Security Information and Communication Systems)
- Cybersecurity (Administrative management of information security)
- Cybersecurity (Systems technical protection of information ...)
- Design
- Ecology
- Economics
- Electricity, electronics and electrical engineering
- Electronics
- Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Information, library and archive activities
- International Economics and Relations
- International law
- International relations, social communication and regional studies
- Journalism
- Management
- Marketing
- Metrology and measuring equipment
- Micro- and machinery nanosystem
- Philology (Germanic languages and literature)
- Power engineering
- Psychology
- Publishing and Printing
- Social work
- Sociology
- Software Engineering
- Surveying and Land Management
- Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
- Tourism
- Transportation technology (air transport)
Bachelor degree courses in Russian
- Air Transport
- Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies
- Aviation and space rocket technology
- Computer Engineering (Computer Systems and Networks)
- Computer Engineering (System Programming)
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Construction and civil engineering
- Economics
- International Economic Relations
- International law
- Management
- Power engineering
- Software Engineering
- Transportation technology (air transport)
Master degree courses in Ukrainian
- Information Technologies
- Information Control Systems and Technologies
- Information-measuring systems
- Automation and automation of transport
- Highways and airports
- Administrative management of information security
- Radio equipment, radio and television
- Bioengineering and Medical Devices and Systems
- Security of information systems and kommunikatsiynyh
- Gasturbine installations and compressor stations
- Geographic Information Systems and Technologies
- Germanic languages and literature (including translation)
- Design
- Design of architectural environment
- Documentation and Information
- Environmental Biotechnology and Bioenergy
- Ecology and Environment ohrona
- Business Economics
- Economic Cybernetics
- Electronic devices and equipment
- Electronic systems
Master degree courses in Russian
- Design of architectural environment
- Business Economics
National Aviation University has 13 hostels. Hostel for foreign student secured and located close to university.
When student arrive to airport he/she will be met and transferred to university. At university student have orientation and welcome brief. After orientation student will be placed at university hostel. During all time of studying at university foreign students are supported by qualified team of International Department. All their needs will be satisfied with pleasure. There is very helpful consultancy for students who have educational difficulties.
All university hostels are secured and have time restrictions for guest to ensure safety and good condition of living.
The Ukrainian people are philosophical and peaceful. The most recent example being the Orange revolution, a completely peaceful demonstration by the people looking for political change. You will find that Ukrainians are very amicable and have good sense of humor. There is no racism at all. Strangers will be extremely friendly with you and be impressed that you made the effort to visit their country over their more visited neighbors.
Training master of business administration (MBA)
MBA advanced degree in business administration as Career Accelerator after acquiring the minimum professional experience. The main objective of MBA programs prepare students for the creative professional activities of business management. MBA graduates possess programmes not only modern theoretical knowledge and especially the skills and habits in the sphere of management. This is what is qualitatively MBA program distinguishes for which specific clear practical orientation, flexible building and maximum individual interests of students.
Training programme “aviation MBA” is complementary to the next stage of development of airlines, airports, airlines managers etc.
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